Over my last four years of youth ministry while I have been working at my current church, one of the annual highlights of our ministry has been an event on the first weekend in January called Winter Camp. This event started as a little weekend getaway for just our church the year before I came, and has quickly turned into a district retreat with nearly 100 kids in attendance. And it is a blast!
We spend a ton of time having fun, but even more time focused on growing in our faith. This year's theme was "Finding Sacred in the Secular", where we used a number of different secular media outlets to teach truth about God. The sessions included a talk about God's redemption as seen in an episode of the Simpsons, a talk about who we are in Christ as seen through the U2 song 'The First Time, a talk about being the image of God through the use of Ben Harper, Kid Rock, and Sheryl Crow songs, and a showing of Hotel Rwanda.
I think the students walked away with a lot to ponder and hopefully God will continue to speak to all of their heart in the coming weeks and months. I am so fortunate to get paid to talk about Jesus Christ to people. What a blessing it is. I can't wait to see what God can do at my church in the next 6 months before I leave.
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