I have a friend from my youth, Jacqui, who is an
excellent photographer…I mean FANTASTIC! Her photos often inspire me, move me,
and leave me speechless in their artistry and beauty. Her pictures need no
commentary—they are brilliant in their creativity alone.

As Jacqui explained in her post, the location of these
photos is an ugly, wasted, vacant lot that is scheduled to be developed soon.
There’s nothing of obvious value about this place. There’s nothing overtly
beautiful to be found there. And yet she found it. Jacqui was able to see what
most of us would miss. She noticed beauty in what would normally go unnoticed.
She had eyes to see the sacred in the mundane.
And this skill of sacred
seeing is the same thing we are invited into as followers of Jesus. We are invited
to notice the beauty and goodness of God all around us. We are tasked with seeing
the ways in which the light of God so subtly breaks through the darkness of our
world. We are called to witness the sacredness of God’s presence in the
ordinary places of God’s creation. And, most of all, we are invited to see our
friends, enemies, and neighbors with fresh vision—through the eyes of God—and
to offer them the same love and grace that God does.
So, I offer thanks to my friend for reminding me of the need
to see differently. May we all be encouraged, invited, and challenged to better
vision—to see the world through the lens of God’s kingdom. May we all be able
to pick out the sometimes-subtle, yet incredibly-profound presence of God all
around us. And may we have eyes to see the ways in which the normally ordinary
places of our existence are actually teeming with sacredness. May we learn the art of sacred seeing.
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