Monday, May 5, 2008

Carrying Burdens

As I keep hearing this story told and retold, I can't help but think of Paul's instruction in Galatians 6:2 to "Carry each other's burdens...". We live in an independent society where people are expected to take care of themselves first before, if ever, worrying about the needs of others.

The church is no different. We come to worship on Sunday mornings full of our own agendas, our own struggles, our own problems, and usually couldn't care less about those problems around us.

This story is such a great illustration of what it looks like to help carry others through situations they can't handle on their own. May we be people who look first to the needs of others. May we put our own selfish agendas aside and really take care of our neighbors.


  1. Loved it. I like their humble attitude of them not anticipating the outcome that it has had on so many. Not only is this a good reminder of what sports are about, but what our whole life should be about everyday.
    The second part of that is not only to extend the help, but to be accepting of it as well.

  2. This is an amazing story; it is also a story that is played out in other situations often but doesn't get media attention. I can't help but also be thankful for the coaches and the parents of all the girls involved, for the parenting, for the leadership, for the encouragement.
